How The 6-Hour Workday Changed My Life

Shay Namdarian
4 min readMay 18, 2020

Why I can’t go back to 9–5 — The impact of the 6-hour workday on a new parent.

In 2018, we decided to challenge the 9 to 5 workday at Collective Campus and launched an experiment; the 9 to 3 workday. Given the successful outcomes of the experiment, the 6-hour workday has become the norm for our organisation. At the time. there was so much interest in the concept that our CEO was asked to put…



Shay Namdarian

CX Trailblazer & Design Thinker 🎨 | AFR Fast Starter 🦘| Incubated 100+ startups via corporate accelerators 🚀 | Superdad in training 🦸🏻‍♂️